About Me

I’m a creator and a solopreneur, and here i want to share how i used time, viral content and courses to get over 50 million views, attract 300k email subscribers, and build a six-figure business.

Who am I?

My name is Zdravko Cvijetic, but to simplify my life, i went with my two-syllable childhood nickname Bato. I’m an educator, content creator and an solo-preneur.

Over the last 10 years, i’ve had the chance to experience all sides of education and content creation, offline and online, and have worked with thousands of entrepreneurs, students, executives from Fortune 500 companies, delivering workshops, trainings, speeches and facilitating sessions.

In the process, I realized limitations of the offline world, in terms of number of people, limited space and time, i went into the world of online education. As i was researching self improvement for the last decade, Mindvalley, an online personal growth company.

I started as a Learning Experience Designer, but within months i became a team’s director, and over the course of my time there we were responsible for creating and improving products that brought over 50$ million in revenue. During this time, I decide to experiment with hacking virality, so i can build my own email list, and quit my job.

Over the course of a year, i wrote 13 articles as different experiments, and my 14th article results in 50+ million views, became one of the most successful articles ever written, attracting over 300k email subscribers, and was translated into over 40 languages, which ended up getting my content or me featured in Forbes, CNBC, New York Observer, Quarts, Business Insider, Huff Post, and many other media publications.

Now I want to share what worked, and what didn’t in the process, what skills I had to learn, and how I approached designing content, building online audiences, and launching products to monetize that loyal community.

Let’s Chat

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(255) 352-6258

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